Marilia Longo Painter

Marilia Longo Painter

Country Manager (Brazil)
Teledyne Óleo & Gás
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Length of Service

21 years

What I love most about my job at Teledyne?​

I feel fortunate to have been both a witness of and participant in the history and development of the oil & gas industry in Brazil for the past 20+ years - as every single major field/project in the country contains one of Teledyne ODI’s connectors. What I love most is the sense of accomplishment when the Brazilian team, along with the US colleagues if needed, overcomes a new challenge and the customer recognizes the effort.

What are you most proud of?

Professionally : I am proud of having established the Teledyne subsidiary in Brazil 20+ years ago. I am most proud of the Brazilian team of employees, especially the technicians. Aside from the quality of Teledyne’s products and strategic management, it is their actual work that solidified and continues to corroborate the Teledyne Oil & Gas reputation in Brazil.

Personally : I am proud of having had the courage to make a radical career change [from linguistics to business administration] and the stamina to get an MBA [after 3 other graduate degrees] when the opportunity to work for ODI was presented to me. ​​​