Teledyne Enables First-Ever Full Picture of PCIe with Launch of CrossSync PHY

Teledyne’s CrossSync PHY interposers and software options enable the first-ever link between an oscilloscope and a protocol analyzer to allow engineers to get a complete picture when testing the PCI Express (PCIe) interface standard for connecting high-speed components.

When testing and debugging PCIe, engineers use protocol analyzers to view protocol messages between components over a relatively long period of time. Engineers also need to use oscilloscopes to measure PCIe electrical performance at the physical layer with a high degree of resolution. They cannot, however, capture protocol messages with oscilloscopes because they run out of memory before the protocol event occurs. For this reason, engineers need to use the two separate instruments in entirely different set ups when testing an application using PCI Express. By linking the oscilloscope with the protocol analyzer using Teledyne LeCroy's new CrossSync™ PHY Interposer Probes and Software Options Link, engineers can now test PCIe using one system test, greatly enhancing reliability and accuracy in testing.

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Teledyne LeCroy Enables First-Ever Full Picture of PCIe with Launch of CrossSync PHY Press Release ​​​