Alexandra Pellerin

Alexandra Pellerin

Senior HR Europe Director
Teledyne e2v Semiconductors
Glenoble, France

Length of Service

8 years

Tell us a little about your current role and what you enjoy most about it?

I am so enjoying my role at Teledyne, working in HR with GM and VP supporting them to better reach their strategy and objectives by providing the best support. What I enjoy the most is the international part, working with different countries and different cultures.

Have you drawn professional inspiration from other women? Tell us about someone who has inspired you.

When I was working for Yahoo in Grenoble, France, Christine Lagarde the French minister of Economy had visited the site. Christine Lagarde was the first Minister of Economy of a G8 country.
I was at that time starting my career and she had impressed me by the way she had led her career step by step and battled among a man’s world to be where she was today. I also enjoyed seeing that she was very humble, very friendly so that you can combine being ambitious, having high career aspirations and in the same time keeping your sense of humor and being open to talk with everyone. ​